Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Verbs define processes

     The world that surrounds us is perpetually in motion, costantly changing. Myriad of processes unfold, develop, interact, act from an agent perspective or being acted upon by other agents. They flow from subjects to objects and are responsible for the changes we observe or participate.

     Every process unfolds as a result of a change in value of a variable, dependent or independent, characteristic in a particular environment, the change in the initial conditions trigger other processes and induce further change.

     In our every day speech, in language, we use verbs to describe the processes that happen around us. Every sentence we construct, we utter, is about the value-change triggered processes, developing in our immediacy.

     A temperature rise in the room brings about responses like "I am boiling here", "Turn off the heating" etc, the verbs in the sentences describe the processes taking place, the effects incurred upon us or upon the environment, the source, the direction, the potency of the change involved. We have thousands of verbs to record myriad processes in a multitude of contexts.

      Our use of language bears witness of the effects incurred by the multitude of changing variables present in our environment and responded since its inception by inventing verbs to describe the processes triggered.

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