Saturday, November 13, 2010

The ability of a part to affect the whole

an individual's world changing potential ..

the ability of a part to affect the whole .. the ultimate potential of the individual .. the essence of extraordinary outcomes from disproportionately tiny inputs ..

chaos theory enables the earth-shattering potential of the human individual

individuals that shook the world ..

the world .. a concept with expandable attributes .. representing the whole ..

the viewpoint taken .. looked at .. the world .. spawning world-views .. each one of individuals' way of seeing the world

World-in-Chaos and Chaos-in-World notions defining the constant upheaval the world undergoes .. to immense proportions and complexity ...Fractal World

Friday, November 12, 2010

You can not have order if you don't get past chaos. Reverse engineering emergence, the process human individuals are at bay.

.. you can not have order if you don't get past chaos .. reverse engineering emergence .. the process human individuals are at bay ..

fulfilling .. fulfilment sought .. a guiding principle embedded .. in systems .. a whole satisfying .. (the needs, the requirements .. of every part that is made out of .. fulfilment achieved .. striving to achieve ..

fulfilment .. contribution .. of all parts .. or .. more and more parts ..

fulfilment getting out of systems .. out of subsystems .. the subsystems, the parts that comprise the whole

nodes .. networking .. a whole .. out of the nodes participating .. the nodes .. the functioning 'parts' .. node .. the functioning equivalent of ..'part'

attributing irreversibility ..

Thursday, November 11, 2010

System fulfilment, irreversibility, bifurcation, learning. Elaborating upon spontaneously emanated chaos induced thoughts.

System fulfilment, irreversibility, bifurcation, learning. Elaborating upon spontaneously emanated chaos induced thoughts. Upheaval sought and achieved. Chaotic logic at bay contravening notions of rational thinking.

You can not have order if you don't get past chaos. Emergence, reverse engineered, signifying the process underlying human efforts to understand nature's phenomena, to acquire knowledge. Understanding emergence and further have a go, with a standing chance at emulating emergence. Design implicated. Chaos creative enablement. (link).

(fulfilling .. fulfilment sought)
A guiding principle embedded in systems. System as representing the whole, and the whole satisfying the requirements of every part that is made out of. Fulfilment achieved, is sought after. Striving to achieve, the tendency within a system by seeking the state of being wholesome.

Fulfilment out of the contribution of all parts, gradually by more and more parts, out of subsystems, the subsystems the parts that comprise the whole. Parts that are represented as nodes, referred by the connectionist model. Nodes and networking contributing to a whole, a whole out of the nodes participating. The nodes, the functioning parts. Node the functioning equivalent of the part, the subsystem itself.

Node (in function), the nodes interconnected at a given time, what gives the pattern, as being dynamic, the states instantiated snapshots if the time dimension is regarded as external. Snapshot states, time dimension included, frozen incorporated spacetime, talking about spacetime windows out of space and time.

(out of the nodes already existing)
What is mentioned in Smith, R. D. (1998) 'Social Structures and Chaos Theory'

Using a connectionist model of a process (eg. Eiser, 1993) requires that we treat the phase- state as the current network location of the influence under study. The propagation pathway is not infinite but confined to orbits which follow the pre-existing pathways between various elements.[14]

.. thoughts out of that exposition brought forth, the pattern out of the orbits, the node interconnections propagate within the confines of the nodes already participating in the flow. Pre-existing pathways between pre-existing nodes. Patterns out of the flux, the network out of nodes prevailing. Their existence determine the pattern already existing, pre-existing. What ever lies out of that network made out of these nodes, is not taking into consideration for the instantiation of the pattern. It is irrelevant, non-participant even to the point of non-existing.

Attributing irreversibility.

Societies themselves prove such a point. The point of non-existence. It is hard to come to terms with it. Its virtuality of non-existence, its virtual non-existence. The new generation born within the frame of the current status and states the societies are, made out of the patterns prevailing, are impossible to unable to think past societies. Past patterns followed and adhered to, virtually non-existent, carried only in the memories of adults who even them suffer the same symptoms. It is hard even for them to come to terms with the way societies were in the past. If it wasn't for knowledge kept, in the minds of people, in books, in customs in culture, it would have been written out of existence completely. Old realms are hardly visited or forgotten, irreversibility at bay.

(new nodes .. new functioning)
Function, the succession of sequestered states in time and space each distinct from another up to a point. Point-mutations even for a point. The point, the node? It must be. John Holland's emergence, the mathematics included? Taking to the extent a bifurcation should be thought as taking place to a single point of a massively complex structure, the state it represents and that single point as by drawing annealing trajectories becomes a node, is incorporated into the flux, the flow and out of the flow the pattern. The pattern that the system exhibits, emerges.

Bifurcation equates with, learning. Enables opening new inroads for knowledge to trod, new phase space. Diverging out of the already existing nodes, the orbits that keep the flux dynamic into new realms, new phase space.

Already existing nodes, giving out the patterns prevailing and nodes which have been superseded, (not used), are fallen into disuse. Relevant phase space abandoned, no longer used.

(increasing its phase space)
Phase space as yet untrodden, incisive. Incisions further deeper into the microscales. Chaos its fractional nature, creates fractals explore fractional dimensions (deepening) (opening up the realm further) ..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Systems down to their barebones. Reducing complexity down.

World, societies of human individuals, brain and mind, emotions feelings personality, nature itself all systems on their own behalf, down to the bare-bones, what remains when all that complexity bestowed upon systems, is removed.

New ideas are entering my mind all woven around the conceptualisations of structure, network, connectedness, abstractions and the glue that brings them all together, hotfooting out of the findings of chaos theory, chaos itself. Triggered as I read R.D. Smith's 'Social Structures and Chaos Theory', article in Sociological Research Online.

The use of chaos theory not from the predicting and controlling aspects but as the fundamental, the pillars upon which all emerged, self-organised systems are derived upon. A universality that pervades the realm we call reality and beyond, for any god existing it would have to rely upon chaos to create what has been created.

It therefore surpasses the limits its naming, chaos theory, impose upon it as it is no longer a theory, a tool to be used solely as an instrument of prediction and control, but a powerful way in the 'hands' of the individual to explain the structures created.

Acquiring a force all to its own, a force to be reckoned with, though not a force by itself but that which enables and empowers. Empowered with a force to shake worlds.

"A connectionist model allows two kinds of pattern to be studied. The first is the pattern of the signals, communications or other influences which flow through the lattice. This shall be referred to as the flux pattern."

"The second kind of pattern which can be defined by the architecture of the lattice itself: the pattern of connections among the various elements of the lattice and through which the signals propagate. This is known as the architecture, the matrix, or the lattice. The lattice places, for practical purposes, limits on what flux patterns are possible. The architecture allows us to differentiate plausible futures from implausible futures and, perhaps, from impossible futures."

.. places limits on what patterns are possible ..

Powerful abstractions, revealing the barebones of a system and in my mind, now overwhelmed by the notion that any system whatsoever exists, in our minds or outside our minds, follows suit such type of organisation, upon which the evolution of a system builds upon.

Pre-existing ideas. Pre-existing nodes, in the lattice, the architecture and within that frame of pre-existing ideas, there is still room for more new ideas to emerge. Despite drawing boundaries to already existing ideas, ideas never cease to be created.

Pre-existing notion followed suit by the idea of post-existing necessary to determine the future worlds, the plausible future, the implausible future and what we would never have to be, the impossible futures.

In the same sense, what is, also excluded are past-existing nodes, a return to past worlds, only possible if, by erasing memories, all history, from people's minds something impossible, therefore a return to the past, in the future near or utterly implausible. An impossibility.

The contribution of chaos revealed by bifurcations, bifurcations that lead to new newly-created nodes, to the creation of new nodes, the seed-spawning of new ideas.

Evolution never stops, it is the time-scales that differ, time-scales that can be beyond the lifespans of human individuals and time-scales that can be tiny fractions of such lifespans. The human individual lifespans, somewhere in between.

The paradigm of chaos, and chaos is relentless in its path, sacrilegious, destroying, mind-numbing everything that is built on shaky foundations, annihilating beliefs, lessening their burdens upon minds, leaves people astray and confused but once its passage gone in the meantime exhilarating, absolving as the foundations it lays in its wake are heart-uplifting, solid, strong, a firm grasp on the ground heads in sky, in heavens.

Humanity in a transitional period, civilizations past and gone, failed experiments.

The barebones of every system, from solitons to social groups. Structure, the concept .. conceptualise along these lines .. conceptual entities .. structures or groups .. and the network theory .. the lattice created .. the lattice of the brain .. the lattice of society .. the points, the nodes along which the avenues, the channels would follow suit that will determine patterns and structures.

the flux pattern .. the idea of pre-existing nodes .. creates .. a pre-existing node .. in social structures .. augments the lattice ..

in psychology apparently repetitive behaviour patterns are assembled into traits of personality ...

patterns and structure .. patterns equated to structure? .. structure is a pattern .. included in patterns .. but patterns are more than structures .. patterns possess the element of time .. a behaviour is a pattern .. is a function analogue ..

the common denominator

in brain and mind .. emotions, feelings and psychology .. draw the parallels .. self-similarity at bay .. universal ..

generates information ..

The last thought that struck my mind .. grid

All these ideas triggered by that paper, is that something new? At my very own level? For me? I have to ponder on this and use the outcome to further elaborate what actually is, this I am contemplating about.

And what is this? Of fundamental proportions .. What? Paradigm? a way of thinking about this. What is this? It is comprised of nodes. It is permeated by connectedness. It reveals patterns. It is made out of patterns. Patterns are created on this. Phases.

.. the paradigm of chaos introduced by chaos theory.

It directs the flow. Flux as it called it. A unit. A module. Something that can be used in all that the world is about. Many instances. A network. It is based on networks. Abstractions. Derived after a lot of abstractions have been effected. Reducing complexity. Removing complexity. Underlying complexity.

The barebones. Reducing complexity down to its barebones. The unit? Fundamental unit to every system?

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

What is capitalism, by capitalists.

What are the fundamentals of ‘Capitalism’?

January 13, 2009 by Admin
Filed under Uncategorized

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Capitalism eschews the initiation of force against any man, by any man or group of men-a fundamental moral principle. Capitalists cannot therefore advocate for peace at any price, or security at the expense of liberty. Individual moral right, is the first fundamental in capitalist philosophy and is reflected in the US Declaration of Independence when Jefferson penned,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

Capitalists recognize that it is not the right to agree with others that is so crucial to man’s freedom, but it is the right to disagree and to dissent from tyranny in all forms. It is the philosophy of capitalism and its institutions which protect and implement the right of men to disagree that keeps society open to what capitalist’s view as man’s most valuable attribute, his mind.